Friday 15 January 2021

How To Wear Polo T-shirts For Boys

Polo T-shirt, despite being a smart casual, gives you a formal feel. Wearing this T-shirt with a collar changes the entire look of men. We can say these shirts also the must-have wardrobe piece for men. So, Outflits is here with a guide on how to wear polo t-shirts for boys. Boys often make mistakes while wearing polo t-shirts. It is necessary to correct these small mistakes for a perfect look. Here are the tips that you need to be a tie with few knots. So that you look smart in your collection's smart polo t-shirt too.

How To Wear Polo T-shirts For Boys

Which Fabric is Best?

The specialty of a polo t-shirt is that it suits every size and shape of the body. But it is important to take care of the fabric, Actually, a t-shirt made of Pique Cotton is the best. Fabric is made with a special weave on cotton threads and suits on the long and heavy body. 

But if you do not think too much about your body looks, then you can also wear cotton and cotton blended T-shirts. They are more comfortable than the pique fabric also enhance your modern look.

First Trail With Plain Polo

If this is your first try to wear a polo t-shirt or you usually avoid experimenting more with the look, then try to choose a plain t-shirt. This will not change your look all of sudden and you will be easily adjusted to this look. Then after some time strips and you are comfortable trying with other patterns.

Prefer Muted Colour

If you are in a dilemma to choose colors, which color suit you good then try to choose muted colors. Muted colors like Black, Navy, Gray, and White. The specialty of these colors is that they match every skin tone and body type.

When you are well comfortable with your look, then go with the different shades of colors. Just remember that whichever color you choose, must complement your hair color and skin tone. 

Big Confusion: In or Out?

Most people prefer to wear a polo t-shirt out but many people also like to wear them inside. But if you are trapped between wearing inside or outside, then remember these things and choose them.

  • If you are wearing a polo t-shirt without a jacket or an upper then never put this t-shirt inside. It will not look good at all.

  • If you are wearing a polo t-shirt with a jacket, then do only the small front part inside so that it covers your belt a little.

What About the Logo?

Whenever you have a confusion to choose a logo in a polo t-shirt, then always go with the small ones. Or you can also choose a thinner logo. It would be good if you take a t-shirt without any logo.

Polo T-Shirt Length

People often notice the t-shirt looks while buying a polo t-shirt, But from now on, also pay attention to its length. It should never be longer than your back. Also, it should be around the pocket of your jeans. If it is smaller, then raising your hand will give it a feel like a crop top. When it is larger than this, it will not look good at all.

Hope, these tips will help you to style your polo t-shirt, for more fashion tips and tricks check out our blog section and stay tuned for more updates.

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